Родословная / Pedigree GranPatron's Q-Nizza
CH Belmicooon's Iron Raven MCO n |
Exel Koci Zaulek*PL MCO d 09
Langstteich's Nu'Gangway MCO a 09 23 |
Langstteich's N'Xalibur MCO es 09 |
Langstteich's Genoveva
MCO ns 22 |
D*Alpha Cat's Harmony MCO fs 09 |
Alphacat’s Blizzard MCO ds 09 |
Alpha Cats En Vouge MCO f 09 22 |
Langstteich's Nu'Do'Ribana MCO ns |
Langstteich's Nu'Merus MCO ns 22 |
Langstteich´s Number One
MCO d 22 |
Langstteich´s H Genoveva
MCO ns 22 |
Langstteich's New-Blue Dominica MCO a |
Langstteich P'Non Plus Ultra MCO as |
Langstteich's Sierra Nevada Blue MCO a |
Z-Chocolate Saltus Zahrabske MCO fs 23 03 |
ICH Skysupernova Vintage MCO ds 03 23 |
Starsupernova Santos MCO ds 09 22 |
Versus Shogun of Supernova MCO ns 09 22 |
General Coon Darshan MCO f 22 |
Starsupernova Thelma MCO f 09 23 |
Justcoons Cross Fire MCO d 09 23 |
Supernova Miss Costa Rica MCO f 09 23 |
ICH Ivory Vitorones Coons MCO n 22 |
One of the Best of Koi Pond MCO n 22 |
WCH Willowplace Number One MCO n 22 |
Uptown Girl of Koi Pond MCO n 22 |
Maine Coon Dynasty Pandora MCO n 22 |
Maine Coon Dynasty Touch Down MCO n 23 |
Arctic Coon's Origo Bluestar MCO a 22 |
Last news
We are happy to present our babies from litter "C". Kittens are 2,5 months now. Babycoons from Eddie and Kuma are extremelly colorful, charismatic with wonderful ears position and great curiosity. You can get acquainted with them better in kittens section.